Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Well, Merry Christmas obviously, though I am a bit late - I was busy all day. But anyhow, I had a good Christmas :3 It was made better 'cause I got to spend a good chunk of the day with my bf ^^ He loves to troll people - so my gift was inside of three different boxes (inside of each other) and all three wrapped up in duct tape and wrapping paper :P And then it was inside of a Brie cheese container (thankfully empty - I abhor that stuff), and then it was just a piece of paper with writing on it, and I had to solve the riddle to figure out my gift xD But going to Wild Chef shall be worth it :3 I used the Brie cheese container as a hat :P I also used a gift his mom made me (an unfinished blanket - she'll finish it eventually :P ) as a hat :P That was enjoyable. And of course the homemade mashed potatoes were very good :3 Especially with freshly grated parmesan cheese - the pasta was good with the cheese too :3 And the cauliflower :3 Cheese is good ^^ 

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