Friday, December 21, 2012


Well, today I read on a friend's fb post that they refuse to kill kids in shooter games. I don't get that. In shooter games, targets are targets... They are there to be killed >.> Children are no different than any others. Or course, I dislike kids, so maybe that has something to do with my confusion. Of course, real life or video game, I don't get how killing kids is any different from killing anyone else. I mean, this shooting was all over the internet that day and days after. But the Bengazhi attack? Not so much, and that was out embassy being attacked, and people died there too. But they weren't kids, nor were they on US soil. So do they not matter as much? People really don't see the big picture, not at all... Yes, kids were shot. Tragic. But so are lives lost every day in other parts of the world and here in the united states. More than that many people undoubtedly died that day in the US, besides that, but no one noticed those deaths 'cause they weren't as big of a deal, as "tragic". It just irks me.


  1. Skyrim isn't a shooter, and you can't kill them there, either.

    It's just a general consensus, not killing children.

    All death is tragic; those who say otherwise lack all forms of sympathy, kindness, or any form of a heart or soul.
