Sunday, January 6, 2013

Very Good

My bf works at a Family Fare that is all the way on the other side of town, and hour away on bike (which is how he gets there). But he just got hired to the Family Fare closer to where I live, which is less than half an hour away from him on bike (ten minutes is the fastest he has cycled there, I think) 'cause a night stock position opened up there, he offered and got the job, without even having to do an interview! So as soon as they get someone to replace him, he is going there :3 It also means that my parents will give him a ride more often, since it is on the way home anyway :3 This is a very good thing! :D


  1. Actually, the shortest was 13 min.
    Summer nights are nice.

  2. Well, that was not very good, as it was one of the worst places to work and shop.
