Sunday, December 9, 2012

Heh... Heh... Heh...

Is it bad that I just spent over an hour at this time of night (12-1) drawing my bf in different forms? :P The thing I am drawing them on on my iPad is very enjoyable to use :3 Each one is just a quick speedpaint/speedsketch thing :P I made what, five? Six? Something like that xD Technically, only I think three are of him (cat, German Shepherd, and human-with-a-dragon-tail) and the other three are just drawing FOR him, these have words - yes, it was six drawing I think, 'cause two were with lyrics from songs and the other wasn't. That was fun :3 But now my right wrist hurts >.> I ought to sleep... I shall... I am not obsessed at all.... Heh.... (Yes, not even a little bit... Nope, definitely a lot >.> :P ) I shaded each one of course, I love shading :D Even if it is only a little, though all of these have plenty of shading, and I didn't do half-bad! :D That is a good thing, i used a reference for the German Shepherd one, but not the others. I suck at proportions though >.> Oh hey look, 5% battery remaining, I could have sworn I had over 20% when I started >.> Ah well :P 

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