Sunday, October 21, 2012
Beware, I may use "you" in this. That is directed towards the person I am talking about, not you as the reader, that happens when I start to get really angry.
Ironically, pretty much all of my friends and acquaintances, regardless of religion, are pro-life. Even my own mother. I, however, am pro-choice. I have no problem with their thoughts on it until they start dissing what I think, even the type of person I am, though not directly /at/ me. If it were that, I wouldn't be nearly as angry. But they instead encompass a whole /group/ of people they know nothing about! Like my own friend Grace, "Then people who say hurtful things to those who speak their mind should learn tact, Cus without tact you just sound mean and rude and well not very smart." I find great offense to that, because I have very little tact. People without tact don't usually mean to say hurtful things, that is just how others take it! And not very smart? I am smarter than most of those fools, certainly any that were on /that/ thread. And someone posted in a reply to that, "As I said earlier: it's today's society. Teaching them not to be rude is their parents' job, not ours. Just because some parents didn't do a good job raising their kids doesn't mean we gotta pick up the slack." Untactful does NOT equal rude! And temperament has as much to do with genes as how they were raised! Some people, like me, don't have tact in their genes! And just /saying/ that statement is rude in itself. Actually, just about everything they said on that thread was rude. Hypocrites! And then Grace again, "Those who say rude things are just bullies." I am not! Yes, I often say things that can be interpreted as rude. But I don't try to! Most don't! These people have to distinguish between "rude" and "mean". There IS a difference! Many differences, actually! And the other person again, "Okay, I'm gonna get to the point. This website is not the place to discuss sensitive "hot" topics. There's assholes everywhere. Don't post if you want to avoid them. It's like a mother telling a kid not to touch the hot kettle. Get burned a couple times and you'll see why it's a bad idea." Disagreeing with someone does not make them an asshole! Being untactful does not make them an asshole! I agree that Facebook is not a place for those things, but geez! I have replied heatedly on another topic that my friend Chelsea posted (on homosexuality) because they are ill-informed and all high-and-mighty, but I actually have legit points. But I absolutely HATE Chelsea's mother! She just is so f'n ignorant about EVERYTHING, much more so than her daughter, and she always has to make everything about her since she NEVER has anything useful to add, she just compliments others' ignorance! Such as: " "Just because some parents didn't do a good job raising their kids doesn't mean we gotta pick up the slack". Wow, well said! I use to debate a lot when I was younger (like my daughter, Chelsea), but when I became wife, mother along with other tons of responsibilities, I just don't have that kind of emotional energy anymore. My emotional energy goes toward my family and close circles. But once in a while I stick my head out in the world." Who cares about that? That has nothing to do with anything! You just felt like you had to be "in" the discussion. And something Grace said before in the thread: "Life is precious no matter what abortion is wrong." And you think that a child growing up without love, parents, or both, feeling unwanted by their parents, would thank you for that? that suffering and pain? And what about rape victims? I suppose they will just have to live with the fact hat they were a rape baby, that every time their mother looks at them she will think of the person who raped her, and will never feel love for her child? Or the mother could just commit infanticide after birth, would that be better, drowning the child, or suffocating or abandoning it, after it has already been born, rather than if it had never been brought into this world? And the other person writing below that: "Believe me, leaving a Catholic school and going into a public school full of atheists and ignoramuses and trying to spread the Word was like sticking a paperclip into a wall socket. Why? Because in today's sick and twisted society you cannot speak your beliefs without getting hurt, regardless of what preventative measures you take against it. I love you, my friend. I don't wanna see that happen to you. I hope it doesn't." I am not an atheist or an ignoramus, I am as a matter of fact a Christian. But that doesn't mean I have to be completely brainwashed and forget logic completely. Speaking their beliefs? What about the beliefs of those who don't believe what you do? Do they get a say too, or are you just speaking for those whom you agree with? Yeah, the society is sick and twisted, because of people like you, whom say things without truly understanding them, and talking about big groups of people as if they all are exactly the same. Well, we aren't! EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS INDIVIDUAL, EVEN IN YOUR F'N "IGNORAMUS" PUBLIC SCHOOL! Just because not everyone has the same beliefs as you does NOT make them ignorant! You not realizing that makes you ignorant! And notice how she protects her 'friend' and sympathizes with her, and professes love, yet preaches hatred and intolerance? Christians, Catholics included, are supposed to love their enemies are they not? So why are you saying all of these hateful things against people you know nothing about, whose only mistake was believing differently than you? And then what she writes below that: "Don't question the beliefs of others. Whether it's wrong or right, you cannot change what they believe." Who are you to say what is wrong or right, hm? You are only human like the rest of us! And actually, you can change what people believe, those who are weak-minded. Those of a strong -or stubborn, or both, like myself- mind do not change their beliefs easily, and that is a good thing! We do not bow down to everything you say, just because you may believe it. This is called FREE WILL, which believe it or not, does exist in this hellhole. </rant>
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